If you've seen the location of SMCC, we are right on the water. So there's different environments to collect samples, to do studies, to learn how to measure things. We also have a research vessel, the SeaWolf, that will go out on the water and you'll use Side-Scan SONAR, amazing opportunities in the marine science program. The pre-engineering program gives you the opportunity to transfer seamlessly. There's a transfer agreement with schools throughout Maine and in various programs here. Because we focus on the sciences in the two years that you're here, some of those classes actually transfer third-year, fourth-year when you go off to college. So there's a lot of support when pursuing an internship here. I've been given a lot of support from the Career and Transfer Services when it came to writing my resume as well. Right out of the gate, very first classes that are in the science program, you're going to be working with things in the lab learning this hands-on skills, those hands-on lab skills are core to what we do with our Associate's in Applied Science. There's an initiative here from the faculty to really assist the students on an intimate level in reaching their goals for the future, whatever those may be.